Smiths, The - Queen is dead, The

Album informatie

Nummer 1070
Titel Queen is dead, The
Artiest Smiths, The
Label Rough Trade
Bestelnummer ROUGH CD 96
Medium CD
Jaar 1986
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 37:01


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Queen is dead, The
1 Queen is dead, The A 1986 6:25
2 Frankly Mr. Shankly A 1986 2:19
3 I know it's over A 1986 5:49
4 Never had no one ever A 1986 3:37
5 Cemetry gates A 1986 2:40
6 Bigmouth strikes again A 1986 3:14
7 Boy with the thorn in his side, The A 1986 3:17
8 Vicar in a tutu A 1986 2:22
9 There is a light that never goes out A 1986 4:03
10 Some girls are bigger than other A 1986 3:15