It's a beautiful day - Marrying maiden

Album informatie

Nummer 733
Titel Marrying maiden
Artiest It's a beautiful day
Label CBS
Bestelnummer 456661 2
Medium CD
Jaar 1970
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 37:53


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Marrying maiden
1 Don and Dewey A 1970 5:14
2 Dolphins, The A 1970 4:28
3 Essence of now A 1970 3:16
4 Hoedown A 1970 2:28
5 Soapstone Mountain A 1970 4:15
6 Waiting for the sun A 1970 1:00
7 Let a woman flow A 1970 3:59
8 It comes right down to you A 1970 3:12
9 Good lovin' A 1970 3:53
10 Galiled A 1970 2:59
11 Do you remember the sun ? A 1970 3:09