Mackay, Andy - Resolving contradictions

Album informatie

Nummer 723
Titel Resolving contradictions
Artiest Mackay, Andy
Label Expression
Bestelnummer EXPCD 5
Medium CD
Jaar 1978
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 45:53


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Resolving contradictions
1 Iron blossom A 1978 1:46
2 Trumpets on the mountains A 1978 3:50
Trumpets on the mountains
Off to work
"Unreal city"
3 Loyang tractor factory, The A 1978 4:14
4 Rivers A 1978 7:34
5 Battersea rise A 1978 4:11
6 Skill and sweat A 1978 3:28
7 Ortolan bunting (A sparrow's fall), The A 1978 3:47
8 Inexorable sequence, The A 1978 7:18
9 Song of friendship (The Renmin Hotel), A A 1978 3:14
10 Alloy blossom / Trumpets in the suburbs A 1978 4:05
11 Green and gold A 1978 2:26