Pink Floyd - Obscured by clouds

Album informatie

Nummer 46
Titel Obscured by clouds
Artiest Pink Floyd
Label EMI
Bestelnummer CDP 7 46385 2
Medium CD
Jaar 1972
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 39:07


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Obscured by clouds
1 Obscured by clouds A 1972 2:53
2 When you're in A 1972 2:23
3 Burning bridges A 1972 3:24
4 Gold it's in the ..., The A 1972 3:02
5 Wot's ... uh the deal A 1972 5:01
6 Mudmen A 1972 4:33
7 Childhood's end A 1972 4:08
8 Free four A 1972 4:09
9 Stay A 1972 3:53
10 Absolutely curtains A 1972 5:41