Cale, John - Words for the dying

Album informatie

Nummer 1316
Titel Words for the dying
Artiest Cale, John
Label Warner Bros
Bestelnummer 7599-26024-2
Medium CD
Jaar 1989
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 38:38


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
The Falklands Suite
1 Introduction A 1989 1:45
2 There was a saviour / Interlude I A 1989 9:35
3 On a wedding anniversary A 1989 5:00
4 Interlude II A 1989 4:45
5 Lie still, sleep becalmed A 1989 4:18
6 Do not go gentle into that good night A 1989 5:25
Songs without words
7 Songs without words I A 1989 2:40
8 Songs without words II A 1989 1:50
9 Soul of Carmen Miranda, The A 1989 3:20