Smiths, The - Strangeways, here we come

Album informatie

Nummer 1078
Titel Strangeways, here we come
Artiest Smiths, The
Label Rough Trade
Bestelnummer ROUGH CD 106
Medium CD
Jaar 1987
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 36:04


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Strangeways, here we come
1 Rush and a push and the land is ours, A A 1987 2:56
2 I started something I couldn't finish A 1987 3:51
3 Death of a disco dancer A 1987 5:26
4 Girlfriend in a coma A 1987 2:02
5 Stop me if you think you've heard this one before A 1987 3:33
6 Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me A 1987 4:59
7 Unhappy birthday A 1987 2:48
8 Paint a vulgar picture A 1987 5:39
9 Death at one's elbow A 1987 2:05
10 I won't share you A 1987 2:45